
Our Latest Videos

Island Life Live - KITV

We want to thank the team at KITV's Island Life Live for such a heartfelt and authentic interview with Jan Apo. Our kama'āina team knows Jan’s heart is in the right place…we hope that you feel that too. Watch the full interview below.
This is a heartfelt share from one of our team members, Astrid, who has made it her purpose to help and serve our Lāhainā survivors.
Watch the full interview below.

Community Events

Did you miss our last in-person community events? We invite you to hear from our lawyer, Jan Apo, and his litigating partner, Mikal Watts, to discuss the details of HECO's involvement in contributing to the wildfires by watching the videos below.

Please be sure to "Like" and "Follow" the HECO Lawsuit Facebook page for your opportunity to join us at our upcoming community events.

Client Testimonials

Hear from a few of our current HECO Lawsuit clients regarding their experience with our team.

Join the HECO Lawsuit

Our team is ready to be there for you like we have for thousands of families across the mainland. We are here to help. The following questions help us understand if we are able to represent you. If you have any questions, you can email us at or call (808) 582-8749.
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